The Ultimate Guide To Using Reels & Tik Tok In Your Marketing Strategy

Tik Tok is the most popular social media platform at this time but now with a more recent
social media competitor Instagram they have released a similar application called reels. They both contain short video editing platforms to allow for content to be easily shared and watched by millions within hours. Each platform has its differences, including filters, length of time for video, and audiences including age, but both are critical for a marketing plan strategy.

Marketing on these platforms increase brand awareness, build engaged communities, sell your product or service, allow for you to gain feedback from your customer, provide customer service, as well as advertise to the target audience to gain new customers. The goal is to create ads that don’t feel like ads. Think of yourself and how you view content. As soon as a video feels like a commercial you want to skip it. Except the difference between old TV commercials and Tik Tok content is you can swipe. Making the content relatable and enjoyable to watch is key as well as getting that content to reach your audience.

How to reach your audience?

Use up to date hashtags. This amplifies your reach and increases follower count. Stay away from hashtags like #breakfast #event #dress these don’t allow for the videos to reach your specific audience because they are so broad. Create hashtags that are more up unique and specific but also not too specific to your case like #BreakfastOnTheGo #DaytonEvent #NewDress that allows for your content to reach a more select audience. Also staying up to date with trends if fast enough can give a creative approach for your business.

Respond to comments.

Care about your customers and the people that are watching your content. Get them to comment and reasons to share your content including with giveaways to an individual that repost your story. This allows you to start conversations with your followers and build connections with these potential customers. More content! Think of it as the more content you put out the more time your business is
in the eyes of potential customers and easier for your audience to remember and find

Stand out.

Be the reason someone stops to look at your page and understand your content and story even more. This starts with understanding your customer and why they would be interested in your brand in the first place. This will help you focus your content and be unique and different from competitors in your industry. Tik Tok and Reels are not an option for marketing but a MUST. Having a presence on
these platforms help not only your brand and name recognition but also create new customers and an online community surrounding your mission.


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